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It’s Not All Snakes, and Snails, and Puppy-Dog Tails

22 Feb

Don’t worry, I’ve cut them off.

Now, if I could only locate their source of Vim.



15 Feb

Last weekend I made my 20th birthday cake for our children.  And as I have it figured, there are only about 70 more to be baked by request.

Oh goodness, I wish I hadn’t taken the time to figure that out.  It’s a little depressing.  I practically have enough to start my own Cake Wrecks Ripoff blog.  Believe me, there have been some doozies.

Just the thought of more sugar highs and glazed-over eyes makes me a little out of control.  Kind of like this guy:


Though I Admire Your Angel Eyes . . .*

8 Feb

If you ever viewed the albums we used to post on facebook in days of yore, you might have noticed an ongoing theme in our pictures.  It is simply called:


As best we can tell the origin is our father, and his genes are certainly strong in some of our children.  Today I present to you the Eight-Year-Old Birthday Nose:

*If you’ve never heard this little Sandra Boynton/Neil Sedaka tune there’s a tiny little sniff, um, I mean snippet over here.


It Could Be Worse

25 Jan

The baby gate alone was sufficient for the rest of the children.

All I can say is that it’s good we got Pete and Cele as twins and not Pete and RePete.



18 Jan

Why this picture? Well, it’s never a bad thing to remind oneself of one’s supposed “active lifestyle”.  (…like  being forced into a run during Christmas break. Stupid.)

But, That’s not why I’m posting this picture. Who needs to motivate the masses? Not I. No, not I.

What do I need? I need to discuss that sampler behind our heads. “Carolina Peaches”. Hmm. That’s odd. From where did this sampler come? Carolina, perhaps? I don’t know. I’ve never been. Has Mom? Does she have a secret life down south that’s best explored in cross-stitch? Also, aren’t peaches largely from Georgia? I feel like there’s some sort of secret message here. Our mom is hiding something from us. I just know it.



The Picture of Love

11 Jan

There are no two more enchanting smiles in the entire world.


Cousin Chaos

4 Jan

We all had a really, really good time together.  See:

Wait, that doesn’t really capture it.  How about this:

Still not exactly representative of the family togetherness we all felt.  Let’s give it one more shot:

Never mind.  You’ll just have to take our word for it.


Can we say cheese?

21 Dec

My children learned everything they know about posing for pictures from Stacy’s children.

At last, something that can’t be blamed on me.


Inborn Greed (and pudgy hands, too)

14 Dec

Okay, I know. It’s too too cute, right? Tooooooo cute. I’m just impressed that his propensity for gift opening is so obviously innate.

The Shepherd’s Lament

7 Dec

He tended his sheep, and was able
To make do with the bright plastic stable,
.         But hands tickled his belly,
.         Threw him through air, so smelly.
Bethlehem’s too near the Twin’s changing table.
