Archive | May, 2012

Priceless Gifts

12 May

Where I’ve failed as a mother, I’ve succeeded in hiring quality child care.  Proof:

My offspring didn’t come up with this lovely project on their own, but they did compose the verse.  I was able to discern that as soon as I read the words “keep calm.”

We love you, Miss Ashley, and not just because you vetoed the first version of the card, which apparently said,

To Mom, let us play three hours of

In other parental appreciation project news, Simeon declared today “Helpful Day.”

In case you haven’t heard of that one, it’s the day when you pretend like you want to scrub the deck so you have a good excuse to play in water.

And then you yell, “Helpful!  Helpful!”and hope that saying it (loudly) makes it true.

Also, you demonstrate that true helpfulness can be as simple as avoiding a fall that leads to an Emergency Room visit.

This Mother’s Day, that might be the gift I appreciate most, Pete.