Archive | 6:16 pm

So I Think I Might Cry cry cry cry

27 Jun

Can I share with you a secret? My family and I have an antiquated dependency issue. Familiar? Ours is to do with technology and today it’s causing me just a wee bit of frustration. The issue? Our VCR is exhibiting wonky behavior. AND TONIGHT IS SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!!!!! I know I’ve discussed previously our obsession with this particular Reality Gem. It’s back for the summer and this is the time our precious Video Cassette Recorder chooses to act up!?!??!? Verily Causing an upRoar it is! And here’s the deal – episodes don’t stream to the net until 30 days following their original air date! WHAT IS THAT ABOUT!?!??! The angst is immeasurable at this point and so I’m asking for words of solace. Empathize anyone?

THAT offending button is offending me!
