The First Day of the Rest of the Blog

26 Aug

In an effort to dust away the inter-cobwebs  I’m going to make an attempt this school year to used this blog as a place to keep up with our homeschooling adventures and general family events.

So, for at least the time being, ignore the schedule, don’t expect regularity, and don’t be alarmed if the posts seem as if they would only be of interest to those who share the same familial nose scrunch.  It’s okay, that’s what I’m mainly going for, but that won’t stop me from facebook bombing them, so enjoy, even if you couldn’t find the Middle of Nowhere without GPS.

Today was our first day of school.  I always thought it would be great if my kids could have the experience of walking to school.  I’m sure some expert somewhere once said that beginning the day with fresh air and exercise makes kids approximately a trillion times smarter, impossibly obedient, and general angels in the classroom.  That’s probably what’s been lacking in our schooling up until now, so this year we’re changing it up.  First thing every morning:  a one-mile run017

We’ll keep this up at least until the Grand Rapids Children’s Marathon,016

or until the cold Michigan air is credited for the loss of earlobes or pinky toes.018

The next best change for the 2013-2014 academic year is the presence of a REAL LIVE SCHOOL ROOM.  Okay, fine, it’s not alive (because I teach my children science, I feel like I need to point out that I understand the concept of living beings.) 008

But it’s a room.  And it’s for school.  And it’s real.  Real cool, that is.  Awesome.  Wonderful.  Stupendous.  Fantastic.007

Can’t you tell by their happy faces?010

Apparently the problem was that, and I quote, “I only have three markers.  That’s it, the first day of school is ruined.”

Happily the marker debacle was cooperatively solved.  Solved well enough, in fact, to grant markers to even the littlest scribblers among us.012

The same little scribblers which later earned a home ec. lesson in laundry after “rest time” and “potty training” had an unfortunate intersection.  That is all on that subject.019

What will the rest of the school year bring?  Hopefully more posts, and less impromptu laundry, but for now I’ve got to go grade some math.  I’m going to use a marker.


4 Responses to “The First Day of the Rest of the Blog”

  1. Kaethe Ward August 27, 2013 at 7:49 am #

    Is that a new couch? I love the color but I like to think I played a role in coordinating your last couch’s arrival. I hope it’s not time for that one to be upgraded already. (Sorry, I know that wasn’t the point of this lovely post, but new furnishings are important and your school room looks beautiful!)

    • Christina Joy August 27, 2013 at 2:09 pm #

      Actually, that’s the really old loveseat that proceeded the new couch, which sadly is in such horrific condition that it really does need to be replaced already. Apparently low-end furniture hasn’t been put through the rigorous trials of five young children. Buyer beware.

  2. Kathy August 27, 2013 at 1:17 pm #

    Do the twins run too? And do people have to shower after running before school? Inquiring minds want to know.

    • Christina Joy August 27, 2013 at 2:03 pm #

      The twins do not run, at least not on these morning runs. I’d say they probably put in a mile in their circles around our kitchen and living room during the day, though.

      And if the boys ever put forth enough effort on their run to break a sweat, then we will begin to explore the showering regulations.

      Oh, I shower.

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